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Welcome to the Red Barn. In order to insure your happiness and success, we ask your cooperation with the following policies. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. CLICK HERE to download and print.


Lessons can start anytime. The first lesson is considered a try-out lesson, to see if it is what you wanted. If you want to continue, you are welcome to take a trial month or register for the semester. The semester is 17 weeks and runs along with the Amherst Schools calendar. After the fourth week, if you want to continue, we ask you to commit to finishing the semester. Adults can book lessons by the month or semester.

Payment is due at the time of registration or an installment plan is available at for a $25 additional fee. A $20 registration fee covers the recital and things that you use. Students entering after the start of the semester will be charged on a pro-rated basis for the rest of the semester. Thanks to a kind person, scholarships are available, please ask your teacher or contact the Director.

Withdrawals and Refunds

Requests to withdraw from must be made in writing to the Amherst Red Barn Music School Director. In extreme cases, involving serious illness, death, or moving, arrangements for credit or refund can be made at the discretion of the school Director. Otherwise, there will be no refunds after the fourth week.

No refunds are given for classes or ensembles, which are held based on a minimum enrollment. If a class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, full tuition and registration fee (if applicable) will be refunded.

Missed Lessons, Classes and Ensembles

Private lesson students are charged for all lessons for which they register, including those missed through student absence. Please directly notify the instructor within 24 hours of any impending absence and we will try to make up the lesson later that week or at the end of the semester.

• If a faculty member is absent, a make-up will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time, or a substitute instructor may teach the lesson.
• Private lesson make-ups are given at the end of each semester, limit of two. Make-ups cannot be carried into another semester.
• There are no make-ups for student absence from group/ensemble instruction.
• Make-ups for weather or emergency cancellations are given at the end of the semester, up to 2.
• Missed make-ups will not be rescheduled or carried over to the next semester.
• Students who withdraw prior to the June make-up period will forfeit make-ups.

Weather and Emergency Cancellations

We follow Amherst Schools closings. In case of inclement weather or emergency, please contact your teacher to make sure they are not teaching, even if school is closed. It is always good to ask.

Thank you for your support and welcome to the Red Barn!



Contact us

    1. Your name

    2. Your email

    3. Your message

    4. Join our mailing list?

    TEXT us at 413-256-8899

    CALL us at 413-256-8899

